Our Precious Planet
When I began my journey around energy, one of my main motivations was to see if as a result of being more efficient and productive with our own energy, we could reduce our external energy consumption. Managing our energy levels and attitude allows us to be more conscious of our choices and less driven by impulse or consumption for consumption's sake.
I was so interested in the ramifications of living green, and so fed-up with all the confusion about what really constitutes a sustainable life that I enrolled in the only UN sanctioned diploma course in Eco-Village Design. This course provided me with an understanding of things like embodied energy calculations and allowed me to see behind the misleading guff presented as 'green' by politicians and marketers. At present my partner and I are in the process of creating a completely sustainable home for ourselves and our children. I'll be writing a blog about our progress. We have just put a deposit on the land and are beginning the process of choosing which technology we'll use for waste management, gray water recycling and energy generation. I'll share this journey with you, how we come to our decisions and hopefully that may encourage you to begin the process for yourselves.
How we participate in our communities, how we contribute to innovation, and how we show up as parents has an effect on the world around us.
This flows on to the global level, where the personal, organisational and international all meet.
There is no doubt that access to finite resources like water, clean air, food supply and fuel are global issues.
The human capacity for innovation is just what is needed to find new solutions to these issues. This capacity, this energy, is also a global resource.
We can no longer isolate ourselves within our geopolitical boundaries and imagine that what happens in another country will have no effect upon us. The Climate Change debate has made that all too obvious.
It is possible, however, that if we treat the earth as another bucket of energy, and better manage that energy; it’s inputs and outputs, its charge, its resources and our vision for its future we will find a different and more sustainable way forward.
I believe that energy consciousness has no limits and that as we become more self-aware and manage our own energy buckets, we will simultaneously become more conscious of the effect we have on the people and things around us.
The flow on effect will be evidenced in the quality of our relationships and the money in our wallets.
I believe that energy consciousness will result in more creativity in the workplace, and better utilisation of resources both as workers and consumers.
It is my hope this will influence the way we build and manage our communities into the future; with consciousness of the impact we have on the natural world and its resources. This will leave more energy in the biggest bucket of them all, this amazing world of ours.
I leave you with a invitation:
How can you shift the energy in your workplace to be more productive? How can this productivity change the way resources are used beyond your workplace?
How can you start your own bucket revolution?